
Innovators , Strivers

I Choose a design project from this year is Called culture project. And i Choose two “types” from the table are Innovators and Strivers. Innovator is self-confident risk-takers, seeking new and different things,setting their own targets to achieve. When I started the culture project , I took a search of information, interviews then got some conclusions. Such as Some typical example of cultural art forms, opera, church and so on. First, from among them we should find interesting things, such as patterns, pattern, color, etc., and then through our own innovative, bold reform, to design our own things. Everyone will have their own different perspective. We can see things that are not the same, so get something it is not the same. This is a process of exploring.

Striver is sattaching importance to image and status, as a means of enabling acceptance by their peer group, at the same time holding onto traditional values. For example in this culture work, striver will be analysis of culture very deeply. Or traditional values based on historical data to analyze. Then divided into many types of culture. Culture is a group (which may be national, it can be people, businesses, households) in the period of time to form thoughts, ideas, behavior, customs, habits, representatives, and from this group as a whole consciousness of radiation out of all activities. Then they may discuss the importance of culture, and then see where is the key points and learn from. Where is the value. And with peer or different people discuss.When they get a clear answer then undertake to do the project.

